Bike 4 Starlight

Meet the Dorscht Family!


Ella, the brave daughter of a Starlight family from Elmira, Ontario, lives with severe pulmonary hypertension and transposition of the great arteries. At only nine years old, Ella has endured 10 heart surgeries and countless of scary overnight hospital stays.


Ella has recently started a third daily medication, sleeps with oxygen, and has frequent doctor’s appointments for tests and bloodwork. Ella takes special steps at school to remain healthy, and misses recess with her friends during extreme temperatures. 


Luckily, Starlight Children’s Foundation Canada has been supporting Ella through it all! Together as a family, including her brother, Cameron, and her parents, Kristen and Nick, they have been able to experience plenty of fun, unforgettable activities together as a family. From taking a dream trip on the Rocky Mountaineer train, to virtual scavenger hunts and shopping sprees, Starlight Canada has helped the Dorscht family create precious memories to last a lifetime.


Now, they want to give back. This May, the Dorscht family is raising money in support of Starlight Canada so that thousands of seriously ill children and families, just like theirs, can also experience the Starlight magic! On Saturday, May 20, 2023, Starlight dad, Nick, will be biking from Goderich, Ontario to Elmira, Ontario to help brighten the lives of sick and hospitalized kids across the country. To support his effort, please donate using the form below.

Donate Today!
$9,442.00 of $7,500.00 raised



Recent Contributors
Ross & Connie Sousa - $200.00
1 year ago
Catherine Hibbard - $50.00
1 year ago
Glad you got a beautiful day for the ride!! Josie says “Go, Ella’s dad!!”
Matt Franzese - $100.00
1 year ago
Great job, Nick!
Steed and Evans Limited - $500.00
1 year ago
Michael Orth - $50.00
1 year ago
Anonymous - $25.00
1 year ago
Tom Scott - $100.00
1 year ago
Alex Kalmar - $50.00
1 year ago
Hope the weather cooperates for you and you have a great ride
Erica Foster - $50.00
1 year ago
Good luck Nick!
Anonymous - $10.00
1 year ago
Lauren Castle - $50.00
1 year ago
Chris Hankey - $50.00
1 year ago